Sunday, October 17, 2010

25 Random Things About Me

Hey Gang...

I woke up this morning with a raging migraine.  Much to my dismay, I wasn't able to attend church or work with the little ones in our church's nursery as is my role on the third and fifth Sundays of each month.  I envisioned Melanie (she works in the nursery with me) with a dozen kiddos climbing all over her and no one to help her out.  I won't lie, I felt guilty.  However, as the rest of the family left for church and I administered another spring-loaded  injection of Imitrex into my leg (migraine medication) - OUCH - I realized that if anyone was going to heal my throbbing head, it was going to be God.  So, after the medication side effect of my brain being on fire eased a bit, I prayed for the good Lord to work a miracle and heal my head.  When I gave God my anxiety about letting the church nursery down, I was able to sleep for an hour.  I really needed that hour of rest, and anyone who has experienced a migraine before knows that total quiet is absolutely necessary.  

Today I would like to share with you 25 random things about myself, in no particular order.  My brain is still asking for more healing time today and after 14 years of migraines, I know that pushing myself will end me in the Emergency Room for at least three hours.  

1.  I am a survivor.
2.  I am head over heels in love with my husband.
3.  I get great pleasure out of a job well done.
4.  One of my biggest joys in life is helping others.
5.  My teenagers still call me Mommy and I love it.
6.  The first car I learned to drive was a stick-shift.
7.  Creepy crawly bugs freak me out.
8.  I am not scared of the sight of blood. (So, come to me with your gashing head wound, but don't ask me to kill a spider for you) 
9.  I LOVE Jesus.
10.  I know my way around the kitchen.  I dream of Viking stoves and santoku knives.  I know, it's sad.
11.  I can type on a keyboard (accurately) with my eyes closed.
12.  Dan Marino walked into my office once and we chatted.  His eyes are SO green.
13.  I believe anything worth having is worth the fight to get it.
14.  I support our troops.
15.  Politics fires me up.
16.  I believe you should always tell people about where you came from. It makes you who you are.
17.  Respect and accountability are huge rules at my house.
18.  I love hard.
19.  I believe if you only have one chance, you better make it count.
20.  I have looked death squarely in the eye, turned from it and run the other direction.
21.  I have been saved.
22.  If you mess with my children I cannot be responsible for your safety.
23.  You have to respect yourself above anything else.
24.  I think it's important to find the lesson to be learned in every experience.
25.  I have learned that when people forget what you said and forget what you did, people will never forget how you made them feel.

One last thing, when I woke up from my nap today my migraine felt about 50% better.  I also got a text message from one of the Children's Ministry directors at church.
It said this:

Jenn, I hope you are feeling much better.  The Lord had you covered today, there were no kids in the nursery.

God is great.  ALL the time!

Blessings for your week everyone,

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